Non-REM Phase Sleep begins with Non-REM stages, progressing from light to deep sleep. Stage 1 marks the transition from wakefulness, lasting several minutes with slowing brain waves. Stage 2 features sleep spindles and K-complexes in brain activity, while Stages 3 and 4 represent deep sleep with slow delta waves. During these stages, the body re
Volcanic Lava Types
Chemical Composition Different lava types form based on their chemical composition, primarily silica content. Basaltic lava contains low silica levels (45-52%), flowing easily and creating smooth surfaces. Andesitic lava has intermediate silica content (52-63%), while rhyolitic lava contains high silica (>63%), resulting in thick, slow-moving
Tree Ring Growth
Annual Formation Tree rings form through seasonal growth patterns, with each ring representing one year. During spring and early summer, trees produce large, thin-walled cells creating lighter-colored wood (earlywood). Late summer growth produces smaller, thick-walled cells forming darker wood (latewood). This alternating pattern creates the dis
Meteor Showers
Origin and Formation Meteor showers occur when Earth passes through debris trails left by comets or asteroids. As these parent bodies orbit the Sun, they shed particles of rock and dust. When Earth intersects these debris streams, the particles enter our atmosphere at high speeds, typically 25,000-160,000 mph. The resulting friction creates brig